Farm attacks not a lightweight matter

With the implementation of this technology, farming communities are fighting back to curb crime. Communities are not only involved with the processes and structures of the Rural Safety Strategy, but they are also actively resisting the crime onslaught by implementing new initiatives. The creative and solution-driven attitude of farmers is the driving force behind the successful implementation of this technology to create a safer living and working environment.

Any farm attack is traumatic, exceptionally unsettling and nothing can prepare you for such an event. However, the positive attempts being made by people and organisations such as Agri SA and the Agri Securitas Trust Fund to improve the situation, are positive. Remarks about farm attacks and the manner in which the matter is dealt with, will have a hollow ring to it for people who have been exposed to such attacks. The resistance against farm attacks from various quarters is at least a factor which binds a large part of the nation.

Read full article here.


Kyk: Agri Securitas beskerm die boerderygemeenskap sedert ‘99


Farm safety remains top priority for Agri Securitas